Rock n Roll Book and Documentary Reviews: Rock Talk Studio
Rock 'n' Roll books and documentaries from classic rock music legends are reviewed, previewed, and most importantly recommended. Join host Big Rick as he spotlights all the new rock 'n' roll books and docs from the most iconic rock bands in history and points out where to go for the good stuff. The Allman Brothers, Rush, Bruce Springsteen, Cheap Trick, The Beatles, Van Halen, REM, The Grateful Dead, and Bob Dylan are just a few artists with must read, must see, new projects out. Tune in every Tuesday for all the best recommendations on where to spend your time and money.
Rock n Roll Book and Documentary Reviews: Rock Talk Studio
Beatles 64 Documentary Review
The Beatles have arrived in New York City! Here's a story most rock n roll fans know really well. But this doc, produced by Martin Scorcese, opens up the vaults and puts together an encompassing look at a bunch of different perspectives on the first wave of Beatlemania.
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